


2021考研: 2020年12月26日-27日
   上午08:30-11:30 下午14:00-17:00   

考研不易 旺仔陪你




2018年英语二-考研英语真题作文-道歉信:因无法赴约而写信道歉. 来自旺仔每天读作文 00:00 02:14
Dear Professor Smith,
I am writing to apologize for not being able to visit you as planned, since I have to cancel my travel plan for some reason. I am terribly sorry for any inconvenience this causes you and any changes that it necessitates in your current plans. 亲爱的史密斯教授:我因故不得不取消旅行计划,因此不能如约拜访您了,特写信向您致歉。给您带来的不便以及给您的计划带来的变动,我深表歉意。
I have been looking forward to seeing you since we made the appointment. Unexpectedly, I was asked to substitute for a classmate who suddenly fell ill to attend an important meeting. If it is possible, I would like to reschedule our appointment to a time convenient for you. 自从约定后我就一直很期待见到您。没想到,我临时被要求替代一名突然生病的同学参加一个重要会议。如果可能的话,我想重新约定一个您方便的时间与您见面。
Thank you for understanding in this matter. Looking forward to your reply. (105 words in total) 感谢您对此事的理解。期待您的回复。
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
1. terribly 非常2. necessitate 使……不可避免3. look forward to 期待4. unexpectedly 出乎意料地5. substitute for 替代,顶替6. fall ill 生病 fell ill 生病(过去式)7. attend 出席



1. glamour [?ɡl?m?(r)]
n. 吸引力,诱惑力(多因财富或地位所致); 迷人的美; 魅力

She is a perfect incarnation of glamour. 她是魅力的完美化身。

incarnation [??nkɑ??ne??n]
n. (某一段时间内的)化身; 代表某种品质的人; 化身; 道成肉身(上帝化身为耶稣来到人间)

glamorous adj. 迷人的,富有魅力的
a glamorous job 令人向往的工作

2. implement [??mpl?ment,??mpl?ment]
v. 使生效; 贯彻; 执行; 实施
n. 工具; 器具; (常指)简单的户外用具

The government promised to implement a new system to control financial loan institutions. 政府许诺实施新的制度来控制金融贷款机构。

3. supplement [?s?pl?m?nt]
n. 增补(物); 补充(物); 添加物; (报纸的) 增刊; (书籍的) 补编,补遗,附录
v. 增补; 补充

I suggest supplementing your diet with vitamins E and A. 我建议你在日常饮食中补充些维生素E和维生素A。
vitamins 英[?v?t?m?nz] 美[?va?t?m?nz]
n. 维生素; 维他命

4. violate [?va??le?t]
v. 违反,违犯,违背(法律、协议等); 侵犯(隐私等); 使人不得安宁; 搅扰; 亵渎,污损(神圣之地)

They went to prison because they violated the law. 他们触犯了法律,因此坐了牢。
5. wheel [wi?l]
n. 轮; 车轮; 轮子; (汽车等的) 方向盘; (轮船的) 舵轮; 汽车
v. 推(或拉)有轮之物; 用有轮之物推动(或拉动、移动)…; 转动; 旋转; 打转; 盘旋

The car wheels spun and slipped on some oil on the road. 路面上有些油,汽车车轮经过时直打滑。

spin – spun – spun v. (使)快速旋转; (使)急转身,猛转回头,急转弯;纺(线);纺(纱)

6. resonably [?ri?zn?bli]
adv. 尚可; 过得去; 合乎逻辑地; 明智地; 通情达理地; 公平合理地; 适度地

We may reasonably conclude that the meeting has been postponed. 我们有理由可以断定,会议推迟了。

7. category [?k?t?ɡ?ri]
n. (人或事物的)类别,种类

This book clearly falls into the category of fictionalised autobiography.这本书很显然属于自传体小说。
8. dedicate [?ded?ke?t]
v. 把…奉献给; (在书、音乐或作品的前部)题献词; 为…举行奉献典礼; 为(建筑物等)举行落成典礼

Back on the island, he dedicated himself to politics. 回到岛上后,他便投身于政治。
be dedicated to 致力于,献身于
dedicated adj. 献身的,一心一意的;热诚的备注:曾于07-22发布在旺仔每天读作文公众号



